BioTherapeutics | 1800 Kraft Dr., Suite 200, Blacksburg, VA, 24060


Safer and more effective nutritional products from nature’s innovation

Abscisic Acid (ABA)

Why ABA?
  • The naturally occurring Abscisic Acid (ABA) maintains healthy blood sugar levels.
What is ABA?
  • ABA is a hormone originally identified in plants that is naturally produced in humans and found in regular foods/diets. ABA regulates inflammation and blood glucose levels.

ABA Discoveries

  • ABA promotes glucose normalization in mouse models of disease.
  • Dietary ABA improves insulin sensitivity and reduces inflammation in white adipose tissue.
  • High glucose levels activate endogenous ABA production from pancreatic beta cells which stimulates glucose consumption by adipocytes and myoblasts
  • A single dose of ABA (extract) at approximately 1 ug/kg body weight lowered glycemia during a glucose tolerance test (GTT) study in human subjects

ABA Levels in Common Foods

ABA levels in foods table

Innovative Pathway - LANCL2

  • ABA binds to lanthionine synthetase C-like 2 (LANCL2) and signals through Akt/mTORC2.
  • Exerts anti-diabetic actions by up-regulating glucose transporter Glut4.



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